The How-To Heretic

A User's Guide to Life Beyond Religion

Whether you're just thinking about leaving your religion, or you're a dyed-in-the-wool decades-long atheist, your audio uncles Mark and Dan are here to help. With the aid of wise friends and experts in all sorts of fields, The How-To Heretic Podcast will guide you through the scary worlds of heathen living, and make sure you have fun in your new heretical life! We're here for you, friend; so kick off your shoes and join us!

Filtering by Tag: the Hosannah Shout

134: To God and the Lamb (x3)


This week! Uncle Doug gets sees triple with the First Vision, Uncle Dan reviews one of the best bad movies ever made with the Ten Commandments, and Uncle Mark speaks with cult expert Steven Hassan.

Find the good work Steven Hassan is doing here:

And keep both of these links handy for when you're trying to assess the 'cultishness' of any group or behavior:

And here, dear listeners is a weaponized vision of the most profound sadness, the Hosannah Shout in an empty room: